
Arne Mack
+49(0)173 7018550

Customers say about Arne Mack

"His strength is to support my managers in recognising their strengths and using them creatively."

"He has challenged me with questions I have not yet asked myself. So he allowed me to take giant strikes."

"Without Arne Mack, what we worked on in three sessions would have taken us at least half a year."


Teaching and knowledge transfer

_Lecturer for idea management at KreativKader Stuttgart
_Lecturer for Social Marketing at the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten
_Lecturer for Corporate Identity and Corporate Image at the ISM Stuttgart _Creativity and communication trainings


In seinem „ersten Leben“ arbeitete Arne Mack als Sozialpädagoge in der stationären Jugendhilfe und wechselte dann in die Kreativ-Wirtschaft. Dort begleitete er als Texter und Creative Director Marken wie afri-cola, bruno banani und Stihl in namhaften Agenturen. Als Creative Consultant arbeitete er für Daimler, die Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen und die Road & Transport Authority, Dubai.

In 2012 he founded ebene c / Consulting for Brands and People together with Stefan Bohrmann

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