

_Brand Positioning
_Definition of the service areas
_Hybrid Workshop Series 



The DEAE is the nationwide association of Protestant adult education, which takes place in educational organisations, family education centres, church congregations, academies and regional organisations, clubs and associations, among others. Our work aims at networking the member organisations, promoting their professionalism, bundling their interests and representing them vis-à-vis the church and society.

Protestant adult education is both a part of the church and of publicly accountable continuing education. The DEAE is the place for discourse on educational policy developments at the federal, state and church levels. Adult education expertise comes together in the DEAE. It offers adult education professionals a platform to develop new perspectives for their work at the interface of politics, church, society and science.


To concretise the positioning as a basis for the further development of the national association with regard to target groups as well as internal and external communication.




Series of workshops with kick-off at the general meeting, concentrated online meetings with the core team and a final workshop. In the kick-off workshop, ebene c used an effective creative technique to quickly collect the benefits of the umbrella organisation for the members and laid the foundation for the participatory organisational development process. In the subsequent series of online workshops, the core topics and fields of activity of the office were discussed and defined. The results formed the basis for the final brand workshop focusing on: Further development of the DEAE as a brand, formulation of target group-specific goals and measures as well as the definition of corresponding success criteria. ebene c summarised all results in a strategy document, which will be translated into concrete measures at the next general meeting.

Client quote

"Whether in a physical workshop, on the phone or in online meetings, through their structured approach and appreciative manner, Stefan Bohrmann and Arne Mack have accompanied us an important piece on our journey."

Antje Rösener
Vorstandsvorsitzende, Deutsche Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Erwachsenenbildung (DEAE) e.V.


"ebene c succeeds in condensing the different points of view and also in bundling them into a good result. In doing so, Stefan Bohrmann and Arne Mack also keep an eye on the different roles. This is very important in the work of the association. It has enabled me to experience myself as effective in the role of national director, professionally, politically but also as a person."

Michael Glatz
Bundesgeschäftsführer, Deutsche Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Erwachsenenbildung (DEAE) e.V.

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